Statement of Purpose


Prison Fellowship Nigeria is a fellowship of men and women who are motivated by love for the LORD JESUS CHRIST and in obedience to His commands, have joined together to exhort and assist His Church in Prisons and in the community, in its ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families, the victims of crime and to promote Biblical standards of justice in the criminal justice System.

Prison Fellowship staff and volunteers have undertaken a three fold mission:

1. To work in prison, To proclaim the good news, Make disciples and build up the Church of Jesus Christ among the prisoners.

2. To work in communities, To exhort and assist the local Churches in ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners, their families and the victims of crime

3. And to assist in the development of criminal justice systems which are effective and consistent with Biblical instruction concerning justice and righteousness in obedience to the command of Christ and to the glory of God.