The Prisoner's Journey

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The Prisoner's Journey

“The vilest offender who truly believes
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives”


These are the profound words of a songwriter. We know it is true because we have experienced God’s forgiveness by the blood of Jesus Christ.


However, many out there have NO idea that God is willing and ready to forgive them and wash them clean of their sins. Top among these (and often most neglected) are prisoners.


Many see them as the scum of the earth who are where they deserve to be — Behind bars. But the truth is God loves them too. Yes, as much as he loves you and everyone else.


No one alive is beyond redemption. There’s NO life that our Lord Jesus Christ cannot transform. We know that but many prisoners don’t.


Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ can transform the vilest offender if he truly accepts the finished work of Calvary. But how would they accept what they don’t understand? How would they understand if NO one takes the time to explain to them in a language they can understand?


That’s what The Prisoner’s Journey is all about.


The Prisoner’s Journey (TPJ) is a program that brings about real transformation in a prisoner. This is achieved by bringing him/her in contact with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Through The Prisoner’s Journey, we are introducing many inmates to a fellow prisoner: Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Just stop for a moment and imagine what happens once one prisoner makes the decision to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior. Consider the profound effect this decision has on his family and the community at large.

How it works?

The Prisoner’s Journey starts with a big promotional event in prison.

Prisoners watch a powerful video that is an introduction to the person of Jesus Christ. Thereafter, they are invited to experience this Jesus through an eight-week course.


In one of our sign up events, 200 inmates (half of the prisoners in attendance) accepted the invitation. Below is a photo of their graduation ceremony. This underlines the fact that the harvest truly is ripe in Nigerian prisons.

The course…

Participants explore Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. It is neither preaching nor traditional teaching. Prisoners meet in small groups (of about 10 inmates per group) to explore the person of Jesus Christ and how he relates with them.


Trained volunteers who create an environment for the prisoners to reflect and discuss what they learn facilitate these sessions.


Each lesson is accompanied by a special video by an inmate like them (prepared by Prison Fellowship International). This inmate, through the video for each lesson, speaks to them as peers. They are exposed to stories of real prisoners who were transformed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Thereafter, they are invited to give him a chance to transform them too.


We have recorded great transformations through TPJ. A good example is Abdul. Read his story here (His name and location have been changed to protect his identity).


You can help prisoners on this journey. Here’s how.

Brief Testimonies Of Lives Transformed Through TPJ…

“This programme has affected me not only spiritually, but also changed my perception of imprisonment completely. This is because it has brought about hope and light in respect of the future. We now understand that the same life which Jesus has is available to us. I have been in prison for three years and now I have fresh hope that this is not the end of my life, but actually its beginning as I walk with Jesus.” – Mosasa


“This programme has really helped me. Previously, I was planning that on my discharge, I will take vengeance on my enemies, but now I understand that I should allow God to work out things for me and other people. My view of things has changed seriously because of the things I have learnt and I am determined to teach other people some of these lessons when I leave the prison.” – Abdalla


“I used to worry very much because of my status as a condemned convict and I used to have sleepless nights. But now through the prisoners’ journey, I realise that Jesus has paid the ransom for my sins. I know that God, who set me free from my sins, will also liberate me from condemnation.” – Oreofe


I think God brought me to prison so that I can partake of this programme. It has changed my thinking and made me realise the need to get closer to God. And now I believe that when God has finished with me, He will get me out of prison.” – Okwunna

Note: The names of Inmates have been changed to protect their identities.